Quaxo76 0 Опубліковано 11 січня, 2016 Поділитися Опубліковано 11 січня, 2016 Hello,I've been using this simulator for some time, but I have some questions. Only now I have been able to register here - not speaking Russian, the whole registration process was quite difficult!Anyway. I live in Italy, and I drive electric trains for work (mostly rheostatic). In the simulator I mostly use the Vl80t loco. Here are my questions: 1) What are the meanings of the lights and of the dials on the loco? Some of them I understand, but most I do not.2) What is the proper procedure for the sections of the track where I have to lower the pantograph? If I put the controller to 0 and lower the pantograph, usually the main switch opens and I have to open and close all the switches, and that takes a long time and I loose speed.3) Sometimes I get a message about "Sensor 418 tripped" or something, and I can't enable traction anymore. What is this?4) If I don't want to look at the track layout on top of the screen (because real drivers don't have those), how do I know the maximum speeds? I can't see any obvious signs on the track side... Thank you in advance,Cristian Цитата Посилання на коментар https://forum.zdsimulator.com/topic/2122-vl80t-and-general-questions/ Поділитись на інші сайти Поділитися
Boris M777 4 Опубліковано 12 січня, 2016 Поділитися Опубліковано 12 січня, 2016 (змінено) 1) What are the meanings of the lights and of the dials on the loco? Some of them I understand, but most I do not. http://savepic.ru/8301458.jpghttp://savepic.ru/8289170.jpg What is the proper procedure for the sections of the track where I have to lower the pantograph? You do not need to lower the pantograph anywhere. Just turn off the compressor and fans while passing the neutral section. Sometimes I get a message about "Sensor 418 tripped" Press j, then press Shift+j Змінено 12 січня, 2016 користувачем Boris M777 Цитата Посилання на коментар https://forum.zdsimulator.com/topic/2122-vl80t-and-general-questions/#findComment-65996 Поділитись на інші сайти Поділитися
lexx 8 Опубліковано 12 січня, 2016 Поділитися Опубліковано 12 січня, 2016 2) What is the proper procedure for the sections of the track where I have to lower the pantograph? If I put the controller to 0 and lower the pantograph, usually the main switch opens and I have to open and close all the switches, and that takes a long time and I loose speed.You do not have to lower the pantograph down anywhere. All you need to do when you are about to pass section without the current is to make sure you are on 0 position (no current on traction motor), shut the compressors, ventilators, and probably the phase splitter (T key). That's it. Once you pass such section of track - enable phase splitter, ventilators and compressors back and you are good to go. 3) Sometimes I get a message about "Sensor 418 tripped" or something, and I can't enable traction anymore. What is this? As far as i remember there is a bug for now, so try to set reverser to normal, then back to forward - sensor should be fine then. 4) If I don't want to look at the track layout on top of the screen (because real drivers don't have those), how do I know the maximum speeds? I can't see any obvious signs on the track side... Speeds are known from the blank received by rail-driver. On that blank there are the marks about kilometer and speed. So rail-driver is checking for the km-signs near the track and using the blank to see the speed limit Цитата Посилання на коментар https://forum.zdsimulator.com/topic/2122-vl80t-and-general-questions/#findComment-66000 Поділитись на інші сайти Поділитися
Boris M777 4 Опубліковано 12 січня, 2016 Поділитися Опубліковано 12 січня, 2016 If I don't want to look at the track layout on top of the screen Use "skorostemer" or "КЛУБ" indications. Цитата Посилання на коментар https://forum.zdsimulator.com/topic/2122-vl80t-and-general-questions/#findComment-66001 Поділитись на інші сайти Поділитися
Vivan755 0 Опубліковано 12 січня, 2016 Поділитися Опубліковано 12 січня, 2016 «Brake conduit» — incorrect, correct — «brake pipe». «Contact to Earth...» — very incorrect, this lamp is «Insulation of traction motors circuit is breakdown». «ТР-Р» — OIL PUMP of traction transformer off. Цитата Посилання на коментар https://forum.zdsimulator.com/topic/2122-vl80t-and-general-questions/#findComment-66007 Поділитись на інші сайти Поділитися
Quaxo76 0 Опубліковано 12 січня, 2016 Автор Поділитися Опубліковано 12 січня, 2016 Thank you all very much for the detailed answers. That's weird about the speeds. This is the first railway system that I see where speeds are not reported on tables at the side of the track... In my railway, the only speed restrictions that must be reported on the train documents, are temporary restrictions (and those too are also reported on the trackside...) Regarding the "Null notches": I suppose those are not actually "null" positions (because there is traction) but positions where resistors of the rheostat are not inserted, and so you can keep those positions for a long time without the rheostat overheating? If it's so, why are there so many of them? On the rheostatic trains I know, you start with the motors in series and all the resistors inserted; then you start excluding resistors until there are none left, and the motors are in series (and this is a rest position you can hold for long, indicated by a light on the panel); then when you proceed, the motors are connected in series-parallel with all the resistors inserted, and then you exclude them one by one again, and at the end you have another "rest" position; then you connect the motors in parallel with all the resistors included, and proceed as before until the last rest position. But of course there are only 3 rest positions. I don't understand how there can be so many in the VL80t, and what they really mean... Last question: What is the Phase Separator? Thanks again,Cristian Цитата Посилання на коментар https://forum.zdsimulator.com/topic/2122-vl80t-and-general-questions/#findComment-66009 Поділитись на інші сайти Поділитися
sflit 8 Опубліковано 12 січня, 2016 Поділитися Опубліковано 12 січня, 2016 Cristian, you chose an AC electrick locomotive. VL80. But you describe DC. Choose VL11M, and it will be easier for you. It works exactly as you have said. Цитата Посилання на коментар https://forum.zdsimulator.com/topic/2122-vl80t-and-general-questions/#findComment-66022 Поділитись на інші сайти Поділитися
Boris M777 4 Опубліковано 13 січня, 2016 Поділитися Опубліковано 13 січня, 2016 Last question: What is the Phase Separator? The Phase Separator is a special device that converts single phase AC to three-phase. It is necessary to supply the motors of the compressors and fans. Цитата Посилання на коментар https://forum.zdsimulator.com/topic/2122-vl80t-and-general-questions/#findComment-66026 Поділитись на інші сайти Поділитися
Vivan755 0 Опубліковано 13 січня, 2016 Поділитися Опубліковано 13 січня, 2016 For compressors (1 on section), fans (4 on section) and oil pumps (1 on section). This is special induction motor winhout mechanical load on shaft."0, ХП" - lamp of null OR running notch. Intermediate notches is approximately rheostatic - use voltage dividers between main transformer sections. Danger of dividers overheating. On ChS4, 4T, 8 - special transformer section for every notches (32 sections), on VL60, VL80K, T, S - 8 sections, counter of synchronous connecting of windings (x2), use dividers (x2), result - 8 x 2 x 2 = 32 + 1st notch with half using of dividers = 33. Цитата Посилання на коментар https://forum.zdsimulator.com/topic/2122-vl80t-and-general-questions/#findComment-66028 Поділитись на інші сайти Поділитися
Quaxo76 0 Опубліковано 14 січня, 2016 Автор Поділитися Опубліковано 14 січня, 2016 Wow, now I feel stupid. We don't have AC locos here so I didn't even think of AC.I tried the VL11M loco in the simulator, but it looks pretty "unfinished". What are other DC locos? I'd like to use a DC because that's what I know from work... Is there a schematic and description of the VL80 power circuit that can be downloaded and printed? I'd like to study how AC traction works... Cristian Цитата Посилання на коментар https://forum.zdsimulator.com/topic/2122-vl80t-and-general-questions/#findComment-66128 Поділитись на інші сайти Поділитися
Vivan755 0 Опубліковано 15 січня, 2016 Поділитися Опубліковано 15 січня, 2016 Maximally realised DC loco - VL82M (two-system, AC/DC), in progress - ChS7. VL11M, ChS2K - meanwhile without circuit. Power circuit of VL80K (without electrodynamic brake, VL80T and VL80S - with electrodynamic) - http://resize.yandex.net/5ffeb2dbc38ab5e21974f5be86874b87?key=177accba7326585acd1793f770c9a216&url=http%3A%2F%2Felectri4ka.com%2Fbooks%2Fkalinin%2Fimages%2Felloc_267.png&width=640&height=0&typemap=png%3Apng%3B*%3Ajpg&crop=no&enlarge=0&use-cache-headers=yes (is opened? Temporary link), 32, 33 ... 30, 40 ... 36, 37 - contactors of ЭКГ (EKG - electrocontroller glavnyy, main electrocontroller) without arc control, А, Б, В, Г (A, B, V, G) - EKG contactors with arc control, 25 - voltage dividers, 21 & 22 - БРД, BRD, block of differential relays - rectifiers protection, 61 & 62 - switch of breakdown rectifier. 51 ... 54 - linear contactors (lamp ТД is dark - all linear contactors on), РП1 ... РП4 - реле перегрузки, overload relay, РБ - реле боксования, wheelslip relay (voltage comparator), Р1 - resistors of permanent bridging of motor field windings (for ripples bypass), Р2 - resistors of motor field reduction in positions reverser handle ОП1 ... ОП3 (ослабление поля, field reduction, ПП - полное поле, full field), this increase traction effort on high speed.Also wiring diagrams there are in directory ZDSimulator/data/vl80t. Цитата Посилання на коментар https://forum.zdsimulator.com/topic/2122-vl80t-and-general-questions/#findComment-66141 Поділитись на інші сайти Поділитися
Phagot 0 Опубліковано 15 січня, 2016 Поділитися Опубліковано 15 січня, 2016 (змінено) Christian, I assure you, AC locomotives are difficult only because it has on its board optional equipment, and this: a traction transformer, rectifier unit, and a phase splitter, etc.Scheme supply traction motors are different, but they are not difficult to manage than the DC locomotives. Змінено 15 січня, 2016 користувачем Phagot Цитата Посилання на коментар https://forum.zdsimulator.com/topic/2122-vl80t-and-general-questions/#findComment-66170 Поділитись на інші сайти Поділитися
Vivan755 0 Опубліковано 17 січня, 2016 Поділитися Опубліковано 17 січня, 2016 Driving of AC locomotive easier than DC Цитата Посилання на коментар https://forum.zdsimulator.com/topic/2122-vl80t-and-general-questions/#findComment-66295 Поділитись на інші сайти Поділитися
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