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Знайдено: 1 результат

  1. I think in this forum should be an real section for english speaking users. Not only this little part here. There should be an place for english bug reports, wishes and ideas in english, and so on. And the Forum Software should be also available in English. Because i know it was hard to register here. And Google Translate does only help a little bit. I think that these problems (special the not english speaking Forum Software) scares the customers and users to register and buy. As i said here http://forum.zdsimulator.com.ua/index.php?showtopic=1798. The international Site is not the latest.... There i get only the latest(old) Version, on the official site here i get the real latest version The Forums (http://www.trainsim.com/vbts/forumdisplay.php?120-ZDSimulator) which i find on "http://zdsimulator.eu/"... Is more boring than this here. There i will never get an answer on my question Because it is still unanswered... So there should ONLY be ONE forum for all customers and so on. And ONE Main Site where to get the latest version of the simulation. Maybe i can help, as i think my english is good. And maybe i can also make an german translation at the same time. I already made some translations from english to german, looks nice. But the ingame part i could not translate, with the *.lng file Nobody would say "The High Voltage" in english. And in german nobody would say "Die Hochspannung"... "high voltage area" sounds better in english and not "The High Voltage". And in German "Hochspannungsbereich" or so. :-) But there i think i need an lot of help from the developers and administrators here. Because i need more access to the language than i get from the "*.lng" file. But i want to help :-)
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