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    Björn Lillpers

Досягнення Blillpers

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  1. Hello, I'm new to ZDSimulator but not to railways, I work as a dispatcher on the Swedish railways. I have some problems with the CHS4 locos. I seem to get traction motor fires a lot, even though I drive normal. As I understand it max motor amps are 1200A, so as long as I stay under that I'm fine. However, at high speed I have to use the weak field and then I get fires even though the amps are well below 1000. What am I doing wrong? The max speed is 160kmh and I'm below that. And how should I handle a motor fire if it happens? I need to disconnect the motor, reset fuse and turn main switch back on. But how to disconnect motor? Also, I would need to know what the different indicator lights mean. One of the yellow ones to the left comes on every time I drive after a few minutes. Many thanks in advance. http://i64.tinypic.com/2lrt4h.jpg
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