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Досягнення il62m


Новачок (2/5)



  1. Thanks, I translated topics. It looks not so difficult after all : )
  2. Hello, Is there any information in English on how to create scenarios? Lately it would be interesting to make long scenarios for certain routes, like train 079П Dnepropetrovsk - Kiev, 080К Kiev - Dnepropetrovsk, 102К Kiev - Kherson and so on. The routes is there, only need scenarios : ) It adds to realism to keep to timetable and events, instead of just randomly driving : ) Any help?
  3. Is there any plans to update 3D model of M62 and retro Chs4? Also how is work going with route section Orsha-Minsk?
  4. Hello, I have seen on Russian parts of forum (my Russian not the best anymore), and I can see there is talks about new graphic engine for ZDSimulator. That there is plans, just not right now. I would like to ask if it's possible in the next 1-2 years ZDSimulator will have new engine? Current one is old, and with antialiasing FPS is very bad. If there is such plans I would be willing to buy the game again, or help funding the development.
  5. Hello team, I noticed now VL85 is in development. Good choice, very strong engine! I want to ask, is there any information when this locomotive will be released or when next version ZDSimulator will be available? Also, will VL85 include Klub-U? P.S, If posibility new routes/locomotives available to donate by paypal (instead of only CIS payment systems), I would donate to speed up development. Problem is that here in Bulgaria CIS payment do not support. Have a good day!
  6. Here signalling instructions for railways, grammatical error and bad translation might be. Also lack of information present like explanations of entrance and exit signals, along with no explanation of blocks. May release a second better version but because too busy with work will take some time. If anybody want to correct mistakes or add information please do Microsoft Word version: https://yadi.sk/i/ZWz_BzHjepHZh PDF version: https://yadi.sk/i/g-j9hBLOepHaY
  7. I have been working on a document about the signals system, what they mean, procedures and signal lights from the ALSN. But because of real life delayed until at least next week. If somebody else wants to try, please do! KS-11 better not to mess with... leave it be
  8. If you mean about my handling of brakes in the tutorial, it was wrong since I was focusing on the KLUB-U. The way I started moving wasn't meant for anything to take example of and would possibly damage the locomotive (at least a Bulgarian locomotive would) Vnimanie means caution, what you hear is probably "vperedi platforma", vperedi stansija", "vperedi putenprovod" means you are getting warnings from the things ahead of you, such as crossings, platforms, stations, bridges etc... An easy way for you to learn them is listen to the word, and look at anything significant at or by the tracks in the coming seconds at high speed. It might also warn you of yellow or red lights but this is rare and only for some particular scenarios. I have noticed I get a bonus point if I whistle whenever a crossing, platform or station comes up. These aside, the harder to understand is the commands you hear on the radio, occasionally you might be warned to stop at a certain location or must wait for a particular train to pass, which could either end up in you entering another track too early resulting in an AI train that goes right trough you or confused why a light in front of you is closed for extended periods of time... P.S, Have you noticed any difference between the texture compression on or off? It must be my eyes... because when I take screenshots it looks identical when comparing, only the texture compression gives almost double FPS.
  9. It is unfortunately static, whether it's in the plans to make it usable I do not know. The digits you see in the display are part of a cab repaint, Chs4T number 303... You can find in the downloads section of the Russian site. I'm still working on the signals and boards guide in English, delayed a bit because of real life but so far has been a success.
  10. aha, I was wondering, because I read on an old page here: http://zdsimulator.eu/news?start=3 that the ER9E EMU was in the priority development plans of 2013. Or this project became ED4M? Nevertheless, I am happy with the locomotives we have.
  11. Thank you for the information, it is more logical. Is there any posibility in the future to build or crowdfund for a new elektrichka to ZDSimulator? We have many locomotives, only one elektrichka
  12. Hello! Is it possible to change the 3DS max model, of let's say the ED4M to convert to ER2? Sounds can be changed easily to the ER2, maybe their performance is the same, I'm not a real elektrichka driver so I don't know ER2 is very cool futuristic design. There is open source trainz 3D model already that can be used. Same could be done with classic Chs4, if new model is not in development by your team. http://hostthenpost.org/uploads/d8544099bf14b3becdde6ba235ad89be.jpg
  13. I am aware, it's why I prefer to use the KLUB-U so that I can drive without having to find the profiles to memorize in my head. However some locomotives like VL11, classic Chs4 uses only the traditional speedmeter meaning that you have to memorize the speeds for the route.
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