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  • Имя
    Rafael Gutierrez Rave

Досягнення Guti


Новачок (2/5)



  1. Cofigure your keyboard in english, not in spanish. Greetings from Spain.
  2. Sorry, I'm lost, like you... maybe a russian friend... could help us
  3. You can press F3/F4 while driving and see what hapen in circuits layout.... it's cool
  4. Another one.... this loco will drive me crazy.
  5. YES...it works! New loco EP1m...nice 12 wheels computer with 4400 kW. power... M62, 2TE10U...theese are locos !!!! Note: it´s hard for a spanish write in english at a russian form
  6. Hello all I have the same question Is it possible to install the 5.0.1 russian version over the 5.0.0 english version? Are these two versions compatible? Thanks in advance
  • Створити...

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