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9 632 перегляду профілю

Досягнення Spock85


Новачок (2/5)



  1. Any new releases/updates planned? And what will be included?
  2. Would be nice to have an time acceleration function in the ""F9" Special Functions." So i power up my Loco and than i must not wait 15 Minutes or more(realtime) until i can start. For Example: There are two new Buttons in this menu. Set Time 1:1 (realtime) Accelerate Time x2 x4 x8.... and so on.
  3. *updated the German language file*German.txt
  4. What is planned for the next Version(s)?
  5. So whats coming in the next Version(s)? Regards
  6. Would also be nice if anyone can describe the russian Signal System and the Signal Lights from the Klub device. And also an description of the KS-11 Device in chs4t.
  7. Thanks. :-) I never tried Texture Compression for more FPS because at the highest Detail level and resolution i have about 73 FPS
  8. Thanks. Hmm Looks nice, but the Needles for the Brake Pressure are not shown at the right position :-/ Iam driving now on the Moscow Vazma Route in an Scenario. The Computer says something. Like Dededje Most, Dededje Platforma... I think Platforma was because i was near an Station. But there also other things like "Vimanje"... Maybe i can read some written russian words, but i do not understand "the spoken word"
  9. Thanks, how did you activate the Display in middle of the cab?
  10. With Klub you see the next allowed Speed Limit.
  11. So... How it is? Is there some progress? Did not hear much about it
  12. Found an nice Video :-D Over one hour on the CHS-4T Even the KS-11 device was explained. I never thought that blocking Relais and jumpering cables is real in russia, i thought it is only for simulation purposes in ZDSimulator O.o But to bad i cant understand the language from the video
  13. But something must be wrong I have done everything. Used all patches for your route... but still have the problems Maybe you are using your own private 2.6 Version? Or do you use parts of other routes i dont have installed?
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