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    Leos Urban

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6 238 переглядів профілю

Досягнення Leonell

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  1. Hi, in main menu I see field "Shunting", in russian "манёвры". What to enter here? I tried some numeric values but nothing changes. If there is some info how to use it (in russian or english languages) please give me link. Thank you very much. Leos
  2. Hello, one of users from czech forum has some trouble with running simulator, I translate it here: configuration: notebook ASUS K53SV, Intel Core i5 - 2430M, 2,4 GHz, 4GB RAM, graphic card Nvidia Geforce GT 540M GB, OS Windows 7 64 bit default drivers received with notebook are installed, MSTS and NFS are working fine. If COMPATIBILITY mode is not set then application is crashing: Exception EAccessViolation in module ig4icd32.dll If COMPATIBILITY mode is set, then it is working, but with no cabin textures (tested on CS4, CS8 - same result). See attachment. Graphic driver problem? Thanks, Leos Urban (leonell)
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