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762 перегляду профілю

Досягнення Deemo

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Новий користувач (1/5)



  1. "at 4:01:37 or 1:07:25 there is a screen flicker" Ah it embeds video without timestamps
  2. The screen occasional flickers? Is that unfixable? For example like in this video at 4:01:37 or 1:07:25 there is a screen flicker.
  3. Game autopause when alt+tab, how to make it keep going while i browse internet?
  4. Is it possible to not pause when you alt+tab? Some scenarios have high downtime, but time forwarding brakes some scripts.
  5. Is it possible to convert all numbers from speeds1.dat to speed limits and meter marks in game easy way?
  6. In some sceneries there is скорости file, is that made by person or autogenerated? Is it possible to generate similar file from speeds1.dat so i can drive without F1 helper?
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